About Nginx

Nginx is fastest growing web server over 15{1c918b003a0fec779e46518dd4d8df22f3dc554de918030f5a1a0cfd93cb28be} of all web-sites on the internet served by Nginx due to its multitasking architecture. Nginx is way faster than Apache and can handle more than 7.k live requests per second, performance and scalability of Nginx is not totally dependent on hardware resource less CPU and memory usage as it is lightweight.

This tutorial dedicated to installation of Nginx web server on Ubuntu 12.04.

Note : Root Privileges Required refer to this post “How to Enable ‘root’ user on Ubuntu











Follow the steps.

Make sure you have updated Ubuntu repositories.
sudo apt-get update

Step-1 Type below command for Nginx Installation.

sudo apt-get install nginx -y
Verify the packages
sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep nginx
nginx install
nginx-common install
nginx-full install

Step-2 Start Nginx Service

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start

Step-3 Make sure nginx will run at start up.

sudo update-rc.d nginx defaults

Step-4 Testing Web Server  follow the below screenshot.





















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