Learn How to Display Users Info and Activity In Linux

When you are administrating bunch of groups and users on your Linux system, you might be wondering how to monitor their configuration and activity on the system. Linux provides various commands, which gives you comprehensive overview of users and groups activity. So in this article will learn 10 useful ways to display users info and activity in Linux.


So let’s start to learn these 10 different ways to keep an eye on what’s going on inside your system.

1. users Linux Command

users – This is quick and simple command to prints currently logged in users on your host without showing much details.

[root@lx1 ~]# users
BroExperts Hafiz root

Output is showing currently three users are logged in on this system.

2. id Linux Command

id – Prints information of current user such as id, group id and which group user belongs, if user provided it will show details of specified user. see examples below

Without specifying user

[root@lx1 ~]# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

BroExperts user specified

[root@lx1 ~]# id BroExperts
uid=1001(BroExperts) gid=1001(BroExperts) groups=1001(BroExperts)

3. lslogins Linux Command

lslogins – display information about known users in the system. -u switch will show only user accounts

[root@lx1 ~]# lslogins -u
   0 root         92        0        0   11:54:31 root
1000 pxyuser       3        0        1
1001 BroExperts    1        0        0   13:28:47 System Admin
1002 Hafiz         3        0        0   11:56:45 Hafiz Haider

4. finger Linux Command

finger – display comprehensive information about users in the system. Its not pre-installed on many Linux distributions. So run following command to install this utility on your system


sudo yum install finger


sudo apt install finger

finger command

[root@lx1 ~]# finger BroExperts
Login: BroExperts                       Name: System Admin
Directory: /home/BroExperts             Shell: /bin/bash
On since Tue Sep 26 13:28 (+04) on pts/1 from
   10 minutes 3 seconds idle
No mail.
No Plan.

This command output shows user’s home directory, shell, login name and time and other information as showing above.

5. last Linux Command

last – shows the list of most recently logged in users

Running last command without any option will display below output. Each line first column represents username.

[root@lx1 ~]# last
Ali      pts/3    Tue Sep 19 04:12   still logged in
BroExper pts/1    Tue Sep 19 04:12   still logged in
Hafiz    pts/0    Tue Sep 19 04:12   still logged in
root     pts/2    Tue Sep 19 02:47   still logged in
root     pts/1    Tue Sep 19 01:25 - 04:02  (02:36)
root     pts/0    Tue Sep 19 00:26 - 03:40  (03:13)
reboot   system boot  3.10.0-693.2.2.e Tue Sep 19 00:24 - 04:45  (04:20)
root     pts/0        :0               Tue Sep 19 00:23 - 00:24  (00:00)
root     :0           :0               Tue Sep 19 00:22 - crash  (00:02)
reboot   system boot  3.10.0-693.2.2.e Tue Sep 19 00:12 - 04:45  (04:32)
BroExper pts/0        :0               Mon Sep 18 23:59 - 00:12  (00:13)
BroExper :0           :0               Mon Sep 18 23:58 - down   (00:13)
reboot   system boot  3.10.0-693.el7.x Mon Sep 18 23:46 - 00:12  (00:26)
wtmp begins Mon Sep 18 23:46:34 2017

6. w Linux Command

w – It is a quick and easy way to see who is logged in and what they are doing on system, such as their processes.

[root@lx1 ~]# w
 04:59:04 up  4:34,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
Hafiz    pts/0    04:12    4:16   0.08s  0.00s tail -f /var/log/dmesg
BroExper pts/1    04:12    4:40   0.55s  0.53s top
root     pts/2    02:47    0.00s  0.23s  0.00s w
Ali      pts/3    04:12    4:40   0.23s  0.19s watch ifconfig

6. ac Linux Command

ac – This command print stats about how long users have been connected. It will generate report of connect time in hours based on the logins/logouts. If you type ac without any argument it will display total connect time.

Note:- Before you use ac command, you need to install psacct package, it contains several other utilities also to monitor Linux systems such as lastcomm, that we can use to display previously executed commands by users. You can see the usage of lastcomm below in the list.

First Install psacct package

For RHEL / CentOS use:

# yum install psacct -y

For Ubuntu / Debian use:

# apt-get install acct

Start psacct Service & Enable on System Boot

Type following commands:

# systemctl restart psacct
 systemctl enable psacct

Now you are ready to execute ac command to monitor users connected time.

As mentioned earlier it will display total connect time, if you type ac without any argument. as showing below

[root@lx1 ~]# ac
        total       11.46

Display total time based on day.

[root@lx1 ~]# ac -d
Sep 18  total        0.03
Today   total       11.87

Display total time based on each user.

[root@lx1 ~]# ac -p
        root                                 8.35
        BroExperts                           1.52
        Ali                                  1.07
        Hafiz                                1.08
        total       12.01

7. lastcomm Linux Command

lastcomm – This useful command will display information about previously executed commands by Linux users.If no arguments given, lastcomm will show info about all of the commands in acct (the record file: /var/account/pacct). You can search activities by username, command executed by users or terminal-names.

Show commands executed by BroExperts

[root@lx1 ~]# lastcomm --user BroExperts
clear                  BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 05:12
ifconfig               BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 05:12
ls                     BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 05:11
clear                  BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 05:11
ls                     BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 05:11

Search activities by command name

[root@lx1 ~]# lastcomm rm
rm                     root     pts/0      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 06:19
rm                     root     pts/0      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 06:19
rm                     root     pts/0      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 06:18
rm                     BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 06:18
rm                     BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 06:18
rm                     BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 06:18
rm                     BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 06:18
rm                     BroExper pts/1      0.00 secs Sat Jul 29 06:17

8. who Linux Command

who – Used to display who is logged on to the system. It also shows terminal information they are connected from.

[root@lx1 ~]# who
root     tty1         2017-07-29 04:00
root     pts/0        2017-07-29 04:00 (
BroExperts pts/1        2017-07-29 05:10 (
root     pts/2        2017-07-29 05:10 (

9. groups Linux Command

groups – display all the groups a user belongs.

[root@lx1 ~]# groups BroExperts
BroExperts : BroExperts webproject mobileapp linux

10. ps Linux Command

ps – It is process status command (ps) displays information about active processes on system. We will see how to use this command to monitor process running by a specific user

[root@lx1 ~]# ps -u BroExperts
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 9014 ?        00:00:00 sshd
 9015 pts/1    00:00:00 bash
 9288 pts/1    00:00:00 ping
 9291 ?        00:00:00 sshd
 9292 pts/3    00:00:00 bash
 9312 pts/3    00:00:00 top

That’s all. We have explained various useful commands to monitor/ display users info and activity in Linux, if you know any other way or command to monitor users activity please tell us in comments form below. Thanks

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