Search Results for: squid

Squid Transparent Proxy Client’s are Unable to Connect HTTPS Sites

Squid Transparent Proxy Client’s are Unable to Connect HTTPS Sites

INTRODUCTION – Squid https Not Working Squid Transparent Proxy Client’s are Unable to Connect HTTPS Sites When we are using Squid As Transparent Proxy Mode, the most common problem users report that they are unable to connect to https connections such as twitter, gmail etc. These websites by default receiving all connection over https 443…


How to Control Internet Access Using Squid Proxy Server

INTRODUCTION: Squid Proxy Server Squid Proxy Server is a powerful web caching server. It is used by hundreds of ISPs (internet service provider) companies to reduce their bandwidth usage and improve response time.   E.g. if one client request, it will cache web contents from the internet during the first request and then on…