INTRODUCTION: Squid Proxy Server

Squid Proxy Server is a powerful web caching server. It is used by hundreds of ISPs (internet service provider) companies to reduce their bandwidth usage and improve response time.
E.g. if one client request, it will cache web contents from the internet during the first request and then on further request for same website it will deliver the contents from squid proxy server local cache without requesting from internet again, this will extremely improve the performance of your internet connection.


Squid proxy has strong access controls system, which provides strong grip to manage internet distribution, such as reduce bandwidth usage, monitor the traffic, log internet access and generate reports, enforce network access policies, reduce the load time of web pages, enhance poorly performaning web server, filter the users requests and load balance internet traffic across multiple ISP’s.

Squid Proxy Server can run on many major Linux operating systems such as RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Scientific Linux etc. It is 100{1c918b003a0fec779e46518dd4d8df22f3dc554de918030f5a1a0cfd93cb28be} free to use open source and licensed under the GNU GPL.


We BroExperts always focus on making tutorial that works practically. So I have decided to make comprehensive and practical how-to for our learners:).
In this series of articles I will follow the list of most demanding topics regarding squid proxy server configuration which will start from basic installation to advance level.
This article will finish in several parts, each part will discuss several topics.
Note: I will be using CentOS 7 as my server operating system. At the time of writing this tutorial the current stable version of squid is squid-3.4.6 release date is 25 Jun 2014.

1) Installation and basic configuration of squid proxy

a. Source Code Installation.

b. RPM base installation using yum.

2) Changing squid proxy port number.

3) Squid Proxy Transparent Mode.

4) Deny Access to specific web sites.

5) Block specific keyword

6) Allow full access on specific IP’s ( e.g. Boss Computer )

7) Block internet on specific IP address

8) Limit download size

9) Limit internet speed/ control bandwidth

10) Block https/SSL port 443.

11) Log Management in squid

12) Cache YouTube videos.

13) Load balance traffic on multiple ISPs

14) Customize error page

15) Redirect Specific URL in squid

16) Deny Access Based on MAC Address in Squid

17) Authorized internet access.


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