How to install LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql and PHP) on Centos 7/RHEL 7 Step by Step Guide

Introduction After first time Downloading CentOS 7 iso file, I setup one virtual machine with minimal installation on Virtual Box and connected it to Bridge network, during installation the Network setting i chose to DHCP. After finishing installation process, and when the virtual machine was rebooted, i tried to find ip address on CentOS 7…

How to Remote Desktop Linux Machine from windows 7

INTRODUCTION Enable Remote Desktop on Linux RHEL6/CentOS6 Our requirement is to enable remote desktop function in CentOS Linux machine which will allow us to access Linux box from windows machine using mstsc.exe (Remote Desktop). What is XRDP? XRDP is very handy package available on EPL repository, it supports Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol. In order to…