The objective of this guide is to show how to install, enable or disable PHP curl module with Apache web server on Ubuntu Linux.
Operating System
Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Root user access is required in order to install, enable or disable PHP curl module.
Difficulty Level
Step 1: Installation of curl module
Before installing curl module, i assume you are logged in as a root user and apache server is installed and running.
Install curl using below command:
># apt install libapache2-mod-php php-curl
Now restart the Apache webserver:
# systemctl apache2 restart
Step 2: Enable PHP Curl Module
To enable curl php module execute:
phpenmod curl
To apply changes restart apache service
# service apache2 restart
Step 3: Disable PHP Curl Module
To disable curl php module execute:
# phpdismod curl
To apply changes restart apache service
# service apache2 restart