YouTube thumbnails are the images that you see on the face of YouTube videos. We would like you to know that thumbnails are considered very important for a YouTube video, and there is no doubt that a video is considered incomplete and unappealing without a proper thumbnail. In the past, people used to avoid putting up thumbnails because of the cost of designing. Still, you must know that today you have an online thumbnail maker which can help you design thumbnail for youtube for free. If you plan on starting your journey on YouTube but don’t know the importance of thumbnails, don’t worry. In this article, we will list the different reasons that would tell you about the importance of thumbnails in YouTube clips.

Why are thumbnails important for YouTube videos?

Here we have listed out some of the reasons why thumbnails are so important these days.


●     Thumbnails are the basic requirement of YouTube

One of the simplest reasons why thumbnails are important for YouTube clips is that having thumbnails is the basic requirement of the platform. You must know that if you publish a video without a thumbnail, YouTube would automatically create one for you. The auto thumbnail generation feature of YouTube is relatively new. YouTube would pick a certain part of your video and would paste it as your thumbnail. The thumbnail for youtube created by default would not be as appealing as you can create with a thumbnail maker, so you should not avoid it at any cost.

●     Thumbnails are considered as click bait

Another important reason why your YouTube videos need thumbnails is that they contribute to getting you more clicks. Without proper thumbnails, there is no way your videos would get clicks. According to experts on YouTube, thumbnails are the second most important factor which leads to clicks after search engine optimization. Thumbnails work as the cover of your videos which would urge a user to open them. You need something to attract new viewers to your video. This is the thumbnail. Today you can easily create attractive thumbnails with thumbnail maker apps for getting more clicks.

●     Thumbnails can get you more views

Every video posted on YouTube is for the same purpose of getting more views. Thumbnails give the audience preview of what your clip would be about. You must create interesting thumbnails that can appeal to the target audience. Compelling and pleasing thumbnails can play an important role in getting you more views on YouTube, which is very important for your survival and growth. Your thumbnails must be relevant to the contents of the video because if the thumbnail is different from the contents of the video, it will simply increase the bounce rate of your channel.

●     Thumbnails help you keep a consistent style for your channel

Many channel owners on YouTube use thumbnails as a source of branding and promoting their channels. On thumbnails, you can’t only add relevant images to the contents of the video. Still, you can also add the logo of your channel and its name. You can create a customized thumbnail theme with an online thumbnail maker app which you can use on any video you want. These thumbnails would show that the clips belong to your channel. So in a way, thumbnails are one of the best ways to promote your channel and win more subscribers.

●     Thumbnails provide a sneak peek to the audience

The attention span and interest level of people are quite restricted today. If you want them to open and view your videos, you have to sneak a peek at your clip. This works in the same manner as banners and teasers are uploaded before launching a new film. So you can consider thumbnails as a teaser that would urge users to open your videos.

●     Thumbnails can set you apart from the competitors

Everything comes down to competition. Hundreds of people on YouTube create content in the same niche and do the same SEO tricks to get on the top. If you don’t want people to confuse their content with yours, then the only thing that can help you beat them is a unique and customized thumbnail. You can easily create a unique and custom thumbnail with the best thumbnail maker that you can download for free on your device.

End words

In this article, we have discussed some of the reasons why thumbnails are important. There are many more unsaid reasons that you would know once you start enjoying the benefits of thumbnails. We would always suggest you use a reputable YouTube thumbnail maker app to help you create custom thumbnails for every video. You must add a thumbnail on each video before publishing if you want to your authority in the competition.

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